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Rosalia • Vous pouvez tuer mon ami, mais ne m’insultez pas !


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because all suffering is sweet to me.

that one moment, when you know you're not a sad story. you are alive.

Rosalia Di Marzo + 21 ans + Née à Capri , Italie + Célibataire  + bisexuelle.+ futur cabot.

Égoïste + capricieuse + fêtarde+ loyale+ manipulatrice + ambitieuse + têtue + sadique + franche + intelligente+ bavarde + impulsive+ jalouse + prétentieuse+ dépensière + arrogante+ Honnête  + Tenace+

point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage.  
© love.disaster

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Natalina J. Spinelli+Ex futur belle sœur


D. Calypso Adams + Ennemie

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

Lexie-Rose P. Davenport + Meilleure amie

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

B. Nina A. Lewis-Huesco + Meilleure amie

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

Ambre Wilcox + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

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prénom + Ex petit ami

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom +Attirance physique

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

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Moi ! Rosalia • Vous pouvez  tuer mon ami, mais ne m’insultez pas !  3997999705
Il faut qu'on discute de notre lien. :grr: :chainsaw:

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Te tuer ? Voyons .... :loukas:

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Indiana Rosalia • Vous pouvez  tuer mon ami, mais ne m’insultez pas !  4205929361

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Calypso - Of couuuurse , bon alors tout ce que je sais c'est que je tourne autour de ton mec et que tu dois pas aimer ça , ah et je pourri aussi la vie de ton best Valentin :hanwi:Donc bon déjà là on est sûre que ce soit un lien négatif :loukas:

Natalina - Oh et après on dit que c'est moi la méchante :evileye:& pour le lien apparemment on était proches mais après le coup que j'ai fais à Val et bien tu m'en veux mais par contre je sais pas si je suis censée le savoir que tu m'en veux ou bien je l'apprend une fois qu'on se croise en rp ?

Ambre - Ohwi :heart2:Qu'est-ce que tu veux ma belle ? :loukas:

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Moi je veux bien un lien ! :loukas:
D'après ce que j'ai vu, Indiana vient d'arriver à Cambridge c'est bien ça ?

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Malese (a)
Oui elle vient tout juste d'arriver à Cambridge Rosalia • Vous pouvez  tuer mon ami, mais ne m’insultez pas !  1508216586

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Jveux un rp hanwii

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