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❝ S I L O É ♡ I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞


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Dorian Flor. ès a écrit:Du coup c'est comme tu préfères j'ai posté dans le sujet commun tu peux venir me rejoindre ou alors on se fait un sujet privet  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 2511619667 

Je vais aller y poster plus tard ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3850463188 , sinon je t'enverrais un mp au cas que j'y arrive pas

C. Konrad Sheffield a écrit:han j'adore ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 4205929361

elle va céder ? ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3997999705 :loukas:
C'est encore à voir ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1153642411

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mais oui elle va céder ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1365124802

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Tu veux qu'elle cède , petit cochon ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3997999705

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Zoélanne Northwoods a écrit:
Il n'y a rien pour lui pour être jaloux, c'est juste toi ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 387742012
Je dompte personne , je fais qu'appliquer mes choix aux autres  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3861440630 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1153642411 
Yop et * tousse sur lui * je viens te de contaminer maintenant :trollface:
Bahhhhh euuuuh , je suis une excellente danseuse au baladi  :meme:  , tu savais pas ça hein ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1153642411 , aussi j'ai pris des cours d'arme à feux  (emo) ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3406960028 

N'importe quoi, moi la jalousie, je connais pas du tout! Vic
Je vois la nuance oui, mais tu n'arriveras jamais à me manipuler moi, tsss. ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 2399534397
Tu te trouves marrante je suppose, hum? Tu m'énerves déjà!  :meditation: 
Deux trucs étrangement sexys, merci, je le note.  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1616978029 Moi je suis Batman.  :batman: Alors, je gagne.

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On va voir quand un mec approchera de trop ta meuf :sifle: ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1153642411
C'est ce qu'on vera ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 387742012  :hanhan: :hanhan: :devilish: 
Non, je suis hilarante , nuance ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1153642411  :trollface: 
Jamais tu gagneras avec moi  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3363626789 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3363626789  , JE SUIS IMBATTABLE  (emo) 

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Je fais pas de discrimination de genre, tout le monde y passera. Tu pourras m'apprendre à me servir d'une arme quand on sera meilleurs potes, dis?  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 387742012 
Meow, t'es la petite chose la moins effrayante que j'ai vu de ma vie. ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3997999705
Aussi, mais ça je te le dis pas.
Genre, et moi je suis... à défaut de me répéter, mais là ya besoin... JE SUIS BATMAN!  :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: 

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Tu devras passer un examen psychologique au cas que t'ait pas d'envie meurtrière envers ma personne ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 387742012
NOMÉHO ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3363626789 , je ne suis pas une petite chose ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3861440630 , tu devrais avoir peur  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3079435367 
Pfffft tu te mens à toi même :sifle:
M'EN FOU ET MOI SUPERWOMAN  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 387742012 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 387742012 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1688815589 

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Enfin comme tu veux mais au moins qun lien fort s'installe entre eux,genre le piège les pieges tous les deux et une reeemle et profonde amitier les rapprochent

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Mais oui ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3850463188  ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 1001568715 , peut-être que le fait qu'elle ne soit pas facile à piéger fait reconsidérer les pensées qu'il a envers Zoé, se dire qu'en fin de compte qu'elle serait une bonne amie poru lui ? ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3850463188

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oui une de ses meilleurs avec le temps, si avec le piège qu'il lui tend pour l'avoir et qu'enfin de compte il se rend compte que plus ils se rapprochent plus il s'attache à elle et ne la voit plus comme une conquête mais comme une véritable amie ❝ S I L O É ♡   I would slap you on the face but bitch that would be animal abuse ❞ - Page 10 3850463188

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