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SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling


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Je sais qui tu es SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858
je cherche des amis pour Soso, des liens importants SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1365124802

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@Ombre Blodwyn You and I LIKE DIAMONDS in the sky SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858 SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1881463262
@Sophia B. Vanderbilt Fouineuse SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 387742012 moi aussi j'veux des liens importants et un peu originaux SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858 Parle moi un peu de Soso hanwii
@Kyla Carmichael J'file te répondre, j'taime pas moi SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 387742012

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Niveau caractère, elle se prend rarement la tête, elle est joyeuse, assez solitaire mais ce n'est pas pour autant qu'elle rejette les autres. Elle est sociable mais parfois, elle aime rester dans sa bulle. Elle s'énerve rarement et à une grande patience, mais quand elle s'énerve, ça pète. Sinon, elle est à l'écoute et compte beaucoup sur ses amis. Niveau relation, c'est la cata face
bref elle est facile à vivre SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 166564858

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SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1365124802 SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1001568715

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@Sophia B. Vanderbilt Alors j'aurais une petite idée de lien j'crois bien hanwii après c'est plutôt négatif SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1365124802 mais j'espère que ça pourra s'arranger SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858
J'avais comme idée d'avoir eu un trio de supers potes : 'deux" mecs et une nana, j'avais pensé que cette nana puisse être Soso hanwii Sauf que Soso et Sergeï seraient finalement passés de meilleurs amis à plus ou moins en couple SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 166564858 je pensais que ça serait plutôt récent, depuis 2016, mais je sais pas si Soso était déjà là SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1616978029 Sauf que Sergeï aurait trompé Soso SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1365124802
Si ça te dit comme base, on pourrait étoffer un peu ou alors on part sur tout autre chose SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1881463262

@Leevy W-Cartwith Alooooors tu as toujours pas d'idée SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858

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à pars que je veux te faire pleins de bébés non SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 166564858 puis j'suis sûre tu peux trouver une idée aussi SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858

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@Leevy W-Cartwith j'te fais un gosse quand tu veux SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858 pour la suite j'te promets rien SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1881463262
Tu voudrais du compliqué un peu ? plutôt négatif, positif, ou entre les deux ?

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pouah tu veux déjà faire le salop avec moi SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 166564858
j'veux de l'ambigue/compliqué puissante mille SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 387742012 après j'ai vu qu'ils ont tous les deux des parents hyper riches et une maman dans la mode, du coup leur parents pourraient se connaître SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1616978029

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@Leevy W-Cartwith En plus ils ont le même âge SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 166564858 mais par pitié pas qu'ils veuillent les marier ensemble ou les caser hein SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 152426858 SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1881463262
Sérieux mon cerveau est HS ce soir SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 1365124802 attend je réfléchis SERGEI ► It's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood ♫ I can't stop the feeling - Page 4 166564858

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