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(NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair

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Nathanaël Wilson-Prada

Info ici
23 yo
Quincy House
» libre pour rp

Mes informations :

Australien avec des origines françaises + a 23 ans + Ancien Winthrop + Retape sa quatrième année après le décès tragique de sa petite soeur Taylor + A fait le tour du monde pendant six mois où il a réalisé l'importance de la vie + séducteur, il a la tchatche et n'hésite pas à l'utiliser quand il en a besoin + Sportif né, il a mit de côté sa passion depuis la mort de sa soeur, mais essaye de s'y remettre petit-à-petit + Si sa réputation de coureur de jupons le précède, il essaye de s'en détacher depuis qu'il est chez les Quincy même si ça lui arrive d'oublier ce petit détail + est en colocation + a fait partie des victimes lors de la prise d'otage + famille riche, il a des relations assez compliquées depuis son tour du monde + a perdu son premier amour à cause d'un accident d'avion + a du mal en amour + très protecteur + un brin jaloux + il fait parti de l'équipe de basket-ball avec son cousin + a apprit récemment qu'il faisait parti de la famille des Prada à cause de l'infidélité de sa mère + a perdu son premier amour lors d'un accident d'avion +

CARACTÈRE - drôle + protecteur + un tantinet impulsif + joueur + gamin à ses heures perdues + gentleman + fêtard + à le coeur sur la main + gentil +

now - est actuellement en pause avec Katherine qui tente de le reconquérir + a fait un tatouage en mai 2017 + pour la fin du Summer Camp, il s'est décidé à se faire tatoué tout le bras + a fait parti des AQUARHUMS lors du Summer Camp 2017 + s'est blessé lors de la fin du SC et a commencé la rentrée 2017-2018 en béquille avec une entorse à la cheville + s'est décoloré les cheveux en blonds sur un coup de tête + a crée le hitch club pour valider son bizutage mais y voit un bon moyen pour mettre fin à la friendzone +

(c) Liliana

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“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

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“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

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“en cours”

flirt et plus.
“en cours”

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“En cours”

Amour impossible
“Rencontré lors d'une soirée, ces derniers avaient conclus un marché. La blonde donnerait un coup de main au brun pour l'aider à conquérir la belle dunster. Le problème, c'est qu'après un baiser improvisé de la belle Östensson, tout s'est mélangé en eux. Ajoutant le fait qu'ils finissent dans la même équipe et qu'ils traînent ensembles très souvent (s'envoyant des messages et des snaps tout le temps), les deux jeunes gens ont commis l'irréparable lorsqu'ils ont couchés ensembles, dans la verrière du zoo du Laos au Summer Camp après la conquête de la mascotte pour l'équipe. Depuis, tout est devenu awkward, mais une chose est sûre, bien que la jeune femme veule mette de la distance entre eux, Nathanaël n'en a pas envie. Plus encore, il commence à développer des sentiments pour cette dernière. ”

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“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

intitulé du lien.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

intitulé du lien.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

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(NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 2032734886 (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 2032734886
let's go (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 3997999705

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Hello :rvmp: puis je ?

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Alice Sachs a écrit:Hello :rvmp: puis je ?

mais bien sûr belle brune (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 152426858
une idée ? hanwii

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Moi (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 1001568715 ?

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bon déjà en plus de la matière "relations internationales", ils ont les quincys en commun (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 152426858
j'vois bien en gros qu'ils se seraient déjà vus pendant certains cours sans pour autant entreprendre quelconque discussions et puis, peut-être qu'avec le voyage des Quincy (au bermude), ces derniers auraient pu se rapprocher ? (du moins si elle y était) ?

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J'pose juste les grosses fesses d'Anja ici histoire de mais on voit ça par skype (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 152426858 (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 2511619667

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Nathanaël J. Wilson a écrit:bon déjà en plus de la matière "relations internationales", ils ont les quincys en commun (NATE) ✯ quand t'es déchiré, tout c'que tu fais c'est faire semblant d'être clair 152426858
j'vois bien en gros qu'ils se seraient déjà vus pendant certains cours sans pour autant entreprendre quelconque discussions et puis, peut-être qu'avec le voyage des Quincy (au bermude), ces derniers auraient pu se rapprocher ? (du moins si elle y était) ?

Ça me convient tout à fait et oui, elle a participé au voyage des Quincy aux Bermudes avec l’une de ses deux sœurs ainées. Heureusement plus de peur que de mal.

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