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this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email.

<div style="width: 300px; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px;"><span style="color: #333; float: left;">ONE NEW EMAIL</span> <span style="color: #FFF; float: right;">DATE AND HOUR</span> </div> <br><div style="width: 300px; background-color: #FFF; border: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 5px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: #333; font-size: 9px; line-height: .9;"><div style="padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #CCC;"><span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 30px; color: #000; letter-spacing: -3; font-style: italic; line-height: .75;">title here</span><br><br><span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; color: #AAA; padding-left: 10px;">FROM:</span> <span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; color: #333; padding-left: 8px;">YOUR NAME</span> <span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; color: #AAA; padding-left: 10px;">< YOUR EMAIL ></span><br><span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; color: #AAA; padding-left: 24px;">TO:</span> <span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; color: #333; padding-left: 8px;">CANDICE SWA.</span> <span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; color: #AAA; padding-left: 10px;">< ></span></div><br>
this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. this is the email. </div></center>

Préférences de jeu
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Objet du mail
< dorian.florè >

Hey coucou mon cœur,

Je sais qu’il est tôt et que tu dois dormir encore, juste comme ça tu es trop mignonne quand tu dors, je pourrais te regarder dormir toute la nuit mais après je passerai pour un pyschopate.  Je sais même pas pourquoi j’écris ce mail, je suis dans la chambre de garde en pause et je pensais à toi. J’ai jamais été aussi heureux que depuis que nous sommes ensembles. C’est vrai que ça ne fait pas longtemps et que c’est ma faute mais il faut me comprendre j’avais peur. Pas forcément pour moi mais surtout pour toi. Je voulais t’éviter de souffrire et de te lancer dans une histoire déjà terminée d’avance. Après tout notre histoire sera peut être courte mais elle sera belle ça je te le promets. Je veux plus passer une minute sans toi. J’ai l’impression d’être carrément pathétique voir même mélodramatique mais qu’est-ce que je t’aime bordel c’est impressionant. Dès la minute ou je t’ai vu inconsciente à l’hôpital j’ai de suite compris qu’il fallait que je te sauve par tout les moyens. Comme dirait Agustus tu es trop occupée à être toi même pour réaliser à quel point tu es exeptionnelle. Bon je vais peut être m’arrêter là car je veux pas te faire flipper et passer pour le mec complétement raide dingue amoureux (c’est peut être un peu ce que je suis) alors que bon je sais que tu n’es pas encore amoureuse. D’ailleurs je te promets miss Swaroski que tu tomberas amoureuse de moi d’une manière ou d’une autre.

En tout cas si tu reçois ce mail c’est que j’ai eu le courage de l’envoyer ou plutôt la folie de l’envoyer. Ne pars pas en courant je te retrouverai. Je te retrouverai toujours (a)

Je t’aime

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