Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibilitySOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4
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SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either.


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On garde le lien dont on à parlé sur la CB ? SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 3997999705 Lien négatif ! SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 3850463188

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Bien sûr SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 2109348208

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Merci. SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 2109348208 Je préfère le jouer après le SB, étant donné que Dixie et Charlie se mettront ensemble qu'à ce moment là. SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 3850463188 Attention, la guerre sera déclaré. SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 387742012 SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 1881463262

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Bah au pire disons qu'on l'fait au SB et que même avant d'vous mettre ensemble, vous étiez très proche et t'étais jaloux de la relation exceptionnelle que j'partage avec Dixie ? SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 1881463262

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Ça va être chaud parce que Dixie et Charlie sont en froid en ce moment ! SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 1881463262

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SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 1881463262

j'ai trop envie d'rp là :hanwii:

j'sais pas, même si vous êtes en froid, tu l'aimes toujours et t'es jaloux de notre relation ? :p:

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Charlie n'a conscience que de sa jalousie pour le moment, les sentiments, c'est pour bientôt. Bien sûr il déteste les relations trop proche, mais Charlie ne sait pas encore que Dixie est bi. SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 1881463262

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ahah, et du coup il penserait que Sofia et elle ont une relation plus forte que de simples très bonnes amies ? (ce qui est faux)

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Oui, il pourrait le penser étant donné qu'elle est attirée par les femmes. Il verrait en elle une rivale. SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 3997999705 Et n'étant pas jaloux pour deux sous, Sofia passerait dans le camp des ennemies pour lui ! SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 1881463262 Après Sofia n'aimerait pas Dixie pour ce qu'il lui a fait subir ou un truc du genre.. ? SOFIA + nothing is real except the present. if you're worrying about the future, it's completely irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. and the past - there's no need to dwell on that, either. - Page 4 1616978029

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oui mais j'comprends pas la dernière phrase. qui en veux après dixie et pourquoi ?

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