elitheking elitheking last day in Laos will be memorable #summer #laos #aquarhums #friends #summercamp2017
tessymagyar tessymagyar mood when they say "only one week left before we go home" #summercamp2017 #laos
bamboo bamboo Faire de l'acrobranche en mode potes @Olivia De Médicis #laos #summercamp2017 #famille #summer #friends
tessymagyar tessymagyar bitches out for tonight @pacômejim#summercamp2017 #laos
riz-lindt-lait riz-lindt-lait he said me "i'm in love with the coco" #summer #thaïland #friends #summercamp2017
bamboo bamboo Enjoying every minutes of the end of the SC #laos #summercamp2017 #famille #summer #friends
tessymagyar tessymagyar saying good bye to Laos #summercamp2017 #laos
bamboo bamboo in love with my swim suit #laos #summercamp2017 #vientiane #summer #party
elitheking elitheking It's only a goodbye, not a farewell. See you again Laos #summer #laos #summercamp2017
riz-lindt-lait riz-lindt-lait lost in the woods #summer #thaïland #summercamp2017